2017 has been an incredibly busy year for CSH Surrey. We are now the county's largest out of hospital provider, delivering safe, high quality health services to more than 1 million adults, children, young people and their families.
Here are just some of the highlights of the last 12 months:
- Safely mobilised 2 new contracts and 900 new staff in April 2017 (north west Surrey adults' and the Surrey-wide children's contracts)
- CSH Surrey rated 'Good' by the CQC, with 'Outstanding' for how caring our services are, and an average 98% of patients say they would recommend CSH's health services to friends and family
- In July we launched the county's first single point of access for children's specialist health services - One Stop - just 4 months after winning the contract to provide the new Children and Family Health Surrey service with partners Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and First Community Health and Care
- > 100,000 referrals processed by our Referrals Management Centre for Surrey Downs services, up from 70,000 in 2014
- 21 day average length of stay in our three Surrey Downs community hospitals, significantly lower than the 28 day national average. We are now working hard to reduce the longer lengths of stay we inherited in April 2017 within the adults' community contract in north west Surrey
- 31% increase in district nursing referrals since last year and 'still delivering high quality care' (CQC report)
- > 28,000 wound management interventions, 16k leg ulcer interventions and 16.7k insulin injections administered by our nursing teams
- >98% of patients known to our district nursing teams achieved their preferred place of death, far higher than nationally. In 9 of the 12 months this was 100%
- 100% of rapid response referrals seen within two hours
- 6% reduction in emergency admissions to Kingston Hospital through the work of our Elmbridge Community Hub
- Woking Hospital's Bedser Hub praised in the Future Hospitals report by the Royal College of Physicians for delivering reduced admissions to acute hospitals, improved patient experience and feedback, and improved processes and financial efficiencies
- 73% of people successfully treated by our new musculoskeletal Clinical Assessment and Treatment service (CATS), significantly reducing costly secondary care referrals
- 43% reduction in falls and a 46.5% reduction in category 2 pressure ulcers during 2017/16 compared to the previous year through ongoing service innovation
- No cases of C Diff, E Coli, MRSA or MSSA acquired by patients under our care
- Anorexia spotted in a student by a CSH school nurse after being missed by several GPs. The student is now on a suitable care pathway
- A child's eyesight and eye has been saved after an urgent opthamology referral by a community nursery nurse after listening to mum's concerns. Great Ormond Street diagnosed retinoblastoma and reported that a delay of only a couple of weeks and the outcome would have been very different
- 25 immunisation and school nurses mobilised within 1 week to administer > 4200 Meningitis B vaccinations following notification in May 2017 by Public Health England, and only 1 month after taking on the new children's contract
- Over £14,000 awarded in grants to support health and wellbeing projects through CSH Surrey's social enterprise Community Fund, bringing the total awarded to more than £50,000 in the last five years.
"Your ward staff are exemplary. CSH is a credit to the NHS and long may you survive in the NHS crisis of today. If the community hospital were to close I dread to think what would happen to the elderly being discharged from hospital. If it were not for CSH, mum would have been back in hospital, but is now blossoming back at home."
"I have been very impressed with the quality of the occupational, physio and speech and language therapists and their analysis of my daughter's needs, strengths and views on provision."
"To all the wonderful district nurses. Thank you for the round the clock help, care and support you gave to my mum in the final weeks of her life. You made the hardest time of our lives slightly more bearable. I don't know how I would have got through without all your kindness and I know mum was so grateful too. I can never thank you enough and I will never forget your care and compassion. It meant the world to us."
Wishing all of our co-owners, health, education and social care colleagues, patients, children and families a peaceful, safe, healthy and happy Christmas and new year period. We look forward to working with you and supporting you further in 2018.