February 2013
Central Surrey Health has been shortlisted as just one of three ‘Lean Champions of the Year’ from across the UK and Europe in the 2013 Lean Healthcare Academy annual awards.
Central Surrey Health’s award entry focused on the whole service re-design of its podiatry services during 2011-2012. It was Central Surrey Health’s most ambitious productivity project since adopting Lean methodologies in 2009, and was implemented because reduced funding and increasing referrals had led to unacceptable waiting lists and therefore concerns over patient safety and service quality. By April 2012 the 16 strong team had delivered Central Surrey Health’s greatest Lean project achievement, beating its targets and resulting in dramatically reduced waiting lists and quality improvements.
Tricia McGregor, Managing Director of CSH, says: “Through more efficient working the team was able to create an additional 4000 appointments annually, resulting in a
75% reduction in waiting lists over six months. Our approach is based on empowering our employees to deliver service improvements and change themselves – what they achieve is remarkable. More than one in four of our co-owners is now trained in Lean approaches and project management, meaning we can continue to deliver better, higher quality and safer patient care.”