Thursday 4 February 2016. The winner of CSH Surrey's 'Create a Cocktail' competition for alcohol-free Dry January has been announced. After fierce competition from four other finalists, the winner was named as Anna Seeley, administrator with our Quality & Governance Team, who wowed the four judges with her 'Rhubarb Sunset' mocktail made from cloudy apple and rhubarb juice, ginger ale and lime. Her presentation of the drink, complete with popping candy around the rim, also impressed the judging panel.
Anna wins herself enough ingredients and glasses to make her winning recipe for her whole team.
The best name for a drink was won by Sarah Tomkins, our Head of Performance, for her cloudy apple juice, blackcurrent, raspberry and passion fruit 'CSH Cooler'.
The competition to create an alcohol-free cocktail was run as part of CSH Surrey's annual Health & Wellbeing Programme in support of the national Dry January campaign, which urges people to cut out and cut down on alcohol consumption.
Winner Anna says: "I was very pleased to win the cocktail competition. It was fun to taste the other competitors' cocktails and I have come away with some great ideas for more alcohol-free drinks! It was a really nice team building thing to do as well - I was supported by my colleagues with suggestions, additional accessories (for presentation) and on the big day of judging. I am looking forward to making my winning cocktail for my team in Quality and Governance very soon!"