Monday 14 December 2015. CSH Surrey marked the launch of its new Health & Wellbeing programme by delivering baskets of fruit to every CSH and school team base w/c 14th December.
The baskets were made up by co-owners every day and hand delivered by the Chief Executive, HR & Communications Director and the Chairman, accompanied by members of the co-owner-led Health & Wellbeing project team.
Feedback from teams was extremely positive, with many writing to offer their thanks: "Please could you pass on my thanks to the Executive Team for the lovely basket of fruit, it is much appreciated. The fruit was just the ticket for the last drive towards the end of term!".
The Health & Wellbeing project team has devised a 12 month programme of campaigns and initiatives to encourage co-owners to look after their own health and wellbeing. These include support for the national 'Dry January' campaign in January and a focus on heart health in February. In March, CSH Surrey co-owners will be taking part in its inaugural 15 mile 'Big Walk' to encourage improved fitness while also raising £10,000 for local good causes.