Monday 6 August 2018 Hilary Shanahan has joined CSH Surrey as Interim Director of Nursing and Quality.
Hilary is a nurse by background and has extensive experience of community nursing, including working as a District Nurse for 16 years.
After a period in practice development within mental health and learning disabilities, she was appointed Associate Director of Nursing at Havering Primary Care Trust (PCT) where she worked for five years and was instrumental in developing nursing and clinical services.
Hilary joined Greenwich Teaching PCT as Director of Nursing in July 2005 and gained an MSc in Health Services Management in September 2005. In 2007 Hilary was appointed on a day a week secondment to the Clinical Advisory Group for Healthcare for London as a Primary/Community Care Nursing Advisor. In 2010 she took up the position of Director of Nursing and Midwifery at Newham University Hospital where she continued to develop nursing and clinical practice to ensure the diverse and often complex needs of the local community were met.
Following the merger of Newham University Hospitals into Barts Health in 2012, Hilary became the Deputy Chief Nurse for Patient Experience and Engagement and an Honorary Visiting Professor at City University.
In August 2013 Hilary joined Central London Community Healthcare Trust as the Compassion in Care Co-ordinator and in November 2016 became the End of Life Care Nursing Lead.
Between 2017 and 2018, Hilary led preparation for CQC inspections at North East London Foundation Trust and North Middlesex University Hospital.