Respiratory service update
Respiratory service update: we have relocated the service to Victoria Ward, Woking Community Hospital and will advise booked patients directly about the new venue. The service number (01483 782 863) has been temporarily diverted. People can leave...
Continence service update.
Continence service update: we have relocated this service to Victoria Ward, Woking Community Hospital following the July fire that destroyed Weybridge community hospital. To contact the team, please call: 01483 846 484

Local partners respond efficiently following devastating fire at Weybridge Community Hospital
Thursday 13 July 2017. Philip Hammond MP has praised the local NHS and local emergency services – particularly fire service and police colleagues – for a well coordinated and efficient response to the devastating fire at Weybridge Community...
Heart Failure Service
The Weybridge Hospital heart failure nursing team has relocated to Victoria Ward, Woking Community Hospital. The service number (01483 782 879) has been diverted temporarily and If you were due to have a home visit, one of the team will...
Walk in Centre update following Weybridge fire
Weybridge Walk in Centre is closed. People in Weybridge who need advice or treatment for minor illnesses or injuries will need to go to the Walk in Centres at Woking or Ashford hospitals. Both are open 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week. Both can be...
Weybridge and Walton Health Visiting service update
The Weybridge and Walton Health Visiting team are still able to run a service despite having to be relocated due to the fire that destroyed the Weybridge Hospital building in the early hours of 12 July 2017. Child health clinics that were held...
Weybridge x-ray closed due to fire.
Weybridge x-ray closed due to fire. People in Weybridge area who have been referred for an x-ray by their GP, please go to Walton Commmunity Hospital x-ray department. You can find details of where Walton Commmunity Hospital is located on...
Update on fire at Weybridge Hospital fire
Wednesday 12 July 2017 Statement on behalf of North West Surrey CCG, CSH Surrey and Ashford & St Peter's Hospitals following the fire at Weybridge Hospital and Walk-in Centre overnight. Health partners have been working closely together to...

Weybridge fire July 2017
Fire this morning at Weybridge Walk in Centre. No patients or staff in the building, but local residents evacuated as a precaution. Patients who require advice or treatment for minor injuries or illnesses, please attend walk in centre services at...

Student immunisation programme successfully delivered by Children and Family Health Surrey
Friday 5 May 2017. Immunisation and school nurses from Children and Family Health Surrey have, this week, delivered an extensive Meningitis B vaccination programme for 4,200 students at the University of Surrey in response to a request by Public...