November 2013. One of CSH Surrey’s four community hospitals received unannounced (routine) inspections by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), the independent regulator of all health and social care services in England.
Molesey Community Hospital was visited on 28th October 2013. CSH Surrey has five registered sites in total, and expects other routine inspections to take place in the future following its registration with the CQC in April 2013.
The CQC inspection at Molesey Community Hospital on 28th October looked at the care and treatment provided to people who used the hospital service and the outpatient physiotherapy service. The CQC team inspected five of the 17 essential standards, which were:
- Respecting and involving people who use services
- Care and welfare of people who use the services
- Safeguarding people who use services from abuse
- Supporting workers
- Assessing and monitoring the quality of service provision.
The CQC team looked at the personal care or treatment records of people who use the service, observed how people were being cared for and talked with people who use the service. They also talked with carers and / or family members and staff. During their inspection they spoke with seven patients, three relatives, one healthcare professional and eight members of staff. In addition, they collected feedback, by way of a patient survey, from six patients who attended the physiotherapy department.
What people told the CQC and what the CQC found (taken directly from the CQC report)
Everyone we spoke with who used the service told us that they felt they were treated with dignity and respect. One person said "They couldn't do enough."Comments we received from patients about the care they received were generally positive. Comments included "Absolutely wonderful; don't mind what they do" and "Understand your needs."
People told us that they felt involved in the treatment and we saw that records were updated. One person who had been to the physiotherapy department told us "Very good explanation and totally involved."
We found that staff were aware of procedures around safeguarding vulnerable adults and children. Staff felt supported and were happy working at the service. We saw that there was opportunity for regular appraisal.
There were systems in place that monitored the quality of the service. Patients were positive about the quality of the service. One patient who spoke with us about the staff told us that "Couldn't speak more highly of them".
Following the inspection, the CQC team judged Molesey Community Hospital to have ‘Met’ all five standards it inspected.
CSH Surrey’s Managing Director Tricia McGregor says: “CSH Surrey welcomes CQC inspections and views them as an opportunity to ensure its quality standards are maintained. We are obviously delighted that Molesey Hospital met all five of the standards inspected."