Wednesday 3 February 2016. Tommy Whitelaw visited CSH Surrey today, as part of our work supporting the national Dignity Action Day, to meet nurses, therapists and support staff at our four community hospitals and share with them his experience of caring for his Mum. Co-owners were moved to tears by his story and those of 1000s of others around the UK who have to live with and care for people with Dementia.
Every co-owner who attended made a personal pledge afterwards, which will be used to keep Tommy's campaign alive and make a difference to the patients, families and carers we support.
- “A hugely thought provoking talk.” Ann Tuohy, community matron, who pledged to ‘listen to what matters to people, and to advocate for those who can’t advocate for themselves’.
- “A very inspiring man who will inspire his audiences to make a difference.” Nicki Godley, community matron, who pledged to ‘listen to carers and people with dementia and think what I can do to make a difference in their lives.’
- “The session was emotional and inspiring, Tommy is an incredible man.” Tiffany Clark, Physiotherapist
- “I found it incredibly moving listening to Tommy talk about his mum. He spoke of her with such affection and it really highlighted to me the huge need to support carers of people with dementia as they have such an overwhelming job to do and can feel they have nowhere to turn.” Phillippa Head, Rehabilitation Assistant, who pledged to ‘Always find out about what carers need to help them to care better and to find out about the person’s life and what makes them happy.’