Surrey secondary school children are the first in the country to benefit from being able to access health and wellbeing information and advice through an innovative online poster, launched by Children and Family Health Surrey.
Katrina Sealey, School Nurse, who produced the poster said: “We enlisted the help from a focus group of students in Surrey and their views really shaped how we designed and created the poster.
“Their individual quotes as well as their idea for an ‘It’s OK to be different’ section have all been included and I would like to say a special thank you to those who took part.”
The poster brings together lots of essential information about physical health and emotional wellbeing, including videos and web links, in an accessible way that young people are familiar with.
Following a successful pilot the poster is now being offered to all year 7 students in Surrey during this academic year.
Trudy Mills, Director of Children and Family Health Surrey said: “It’s really exciting that young people in Surrey came up with the idea for this digital information, and that we have now created a fantastic resource - an interactive poster - available to all secondary school pupils in year 7 in Surrey.
“The poster received national recognition at the CPHVA (Community Practitioners and Health Visitors Association) conference last week, where it won in the best poster presentation.”
You can view the interactive poster here (please use Google Chrome browser): https://prezi.com/view/8WBAcxPN1JcvZ8S8nZ2b/
You can also watch Katrina Sealey talking more about the poster in this video